Ok people Blogger vs CGOAB, Jen & I have compared notes and out of a possible score of 5 it's CGOAB = 4, defeats Blogger = 2.8 . So no offence Madam Google but Blogger is difficult to run through Android & iPad while touring.......future Bloggers be warned !
The next thing my friends is Jenny has a girl brain and I have a logical one, so if I'm boring over the next month please persevere as I do have a dry sense of humour, (ouch for f**k sake Jen don't hit me). Seriously if you want bicycle tour details go to www.crazyguyonabike.com & search wiljen in the box. If you are more interested in the nitty, gritty, dirty, frustrations of Will & Jenny's new adventure lifestyle then stick to wiljen.blogspot.com .
Very lastly, as our new life of adventure becomes a blur and "old timers" sets in I find it difficult to remember what we did 3 days ago, or even how long has it been since my last beer ! To overcome this issue I'll be starting each post with a brief summary of the day's stats, if you are like me, just read the stats and then go straight to the photos. If you are a normal person then read the whole lot. Any complaints feel free to send them, I'll reply tomorrow. Enjoy, it will be difficult for me to better Jenny's efforts.
14/04/15 Day 28, Tuesday, Cerbere, France to Collioure 23km, via Port-Vendres. 24degC day, no wind, lots of hill climbs. Departed Hotel La Viega Cerbere at 1030am, lunch at Port Vendres 1.30pm, arrive St Piere Hotel Collioure 2.10pm.
Well today is my birthday....46yo apparently and as with all great birthdays for married adults it began with what you think it began with :-) Sorry no photos ! Next a lovely breakfast with my beautiful wife on the Terrace looking over the Mediterranean Sea in France on a glorious spring day. Our brekky consisted of pastries, breads, jams, coffees & juice.
Then we had to lug all our panniers and other crap down 2 flights of stairs, actually a difficult task & load up our bikes. We said our Mercy's & Au revoir's to Laurence, then headed down the black top. Not very far along we hit our first thigh screamer...
GPS Direction (sometimes) Dave & Madam Google both had decided to play hardball & wanted to send us the "scenic route" after a hundred meters Jen & I looked at each other said no way hosay! So we used our grey matter to over ride the micro chips and took the easier gradient following the cars.
Now I say easier but there was stacks of huffing, puffing third & second gear action, plus long "photo opportunity stops" . The views were amazing,the down hill coasting at 50km/h+ scary, at that speed the cars are happy to follow you on the switch back descents. I guess they want to see if you make it !
We reached the town of Port Vendres , it was "Onesies" time so we found a nice Restaurant/Cafe looking over the deep harbour at the Mearsk pocket freighters & pleasure yachts. Of course we ordered power juice (Biere), pizza & salad. 35€ later we were on our way again. One more mountain to climb, I'm not joking it was a 700m accent in 2nd gear all the way, then down again to the lovely town of Collioure.
Jen, Dave, Madam Google & I located the Hotel St Peire, not much English spoken but we got all sorted and joy of joys, we have the scenic room on the 3rd floor. As we need the excersise no lift has been installed, so yet again we lug up our 38kg of stuff. Which leads me to the point, any other prospective long term travellers, whether on a bicycle, backpacker, motor bike or just one of those people you see at the airport with the Godzilla Case. If you can't carry your gear up 3 flights of stairs in one go you are carrying to much.
Oh my birthday gift from Jen (apart from the good morning), she shouted me a haircut. But that's another story.
Remember keep working hard, but plan your escape too.
My Happy Birthday view, Cerbere. |
Jenny waiting for French Pastries, for Breakfast. |
Hotel La Vigie, built 1958, so it must be still safe. Nice place. Cerbere, France. |
Looking south towards Cerbere. |
FU Madam Google, we want to ride our bikes not walk them. |
One day when I grow up I'll ride my bike through Southern France & the weather will be Perfect ! |
Looking north towards Port Vendres. |
700mtr ascent, must be time for a photo break. |
We use to like hills, now we love Mountains :-) |
Beer will cheer you up Jen. |
We arrived into Collioure, Army Commandos are based nearby. |
I'll have the Lagoon 50' Cat on the left Thankyou. |
We stop to get our bearings with "Dave" only to look up & realize we have arrived at Hotel St. Perie. |
Tough life of an international touring cyclist. |
Just did a catch up the blog...LOVE IT!!! You guys are bloody amazing! Love your quote 'keep working hard but plan your escape"...not enough people like that out in the world! Enjoying the journey with you both xx