Tuesday, 17 March 2015

3, 2, 1....GO

And we are off! Well almost. At the airport at least, and Yellow Dog and Black Betty are dropped off for their luxury accomodation in the hold. They were nervous about their weight, but came in on target (30 & 29kgs respectively). Well done packer extraordinaire, Will.


The run down of our final day went like this......stayed up too late bingeing the TV series, True Detectives, as we had watched half the episodes. We watched two more then we should have gone to bed. We should have, but I couldn't leave only two left until we returned, who knows when. So we got to bed at midnight. Hhmm, not a good idea with the marathon 20hrs in a flying bus.
Woke up early as usual, got up by 8.30am, to do final pack and secure the boxes.

I also had to have a hair cut, you can't go representing Australia looking like a homeless person, even though that is effectively what we will be.

All that sorted, find a few supplies for our flight ( can't go without Allens...snakes, party mix, oh and Will's personal must have, Peanut M&M's) and we were just waiting for mumsie (mine) to come take us the first leg.

We got to Steve & Stacey's by 3:30pm, and discovered the bike boxes would not fit into the Passat we were planning on using.....oh oh. Back up plan Will? After much head scratching and attempted box manipulating, it was decided that mum would take Steve's car home and Stacey would drive us to the airport in mums pathfinder. Yes, I know, it all seems a tad too complicated....get used to it, it happens to us from time to time, we are Colquhouns'.

So after chilling out with the family and eating a lovely roast pork dinner, we said more goodbyes to our nephew and niece and Steve, and finally headed for the airport.

So now we are here, in the departure lounge, having left plenty of time for suspected delays and usual Colquhoun type issues, and having none. Wow! Thank you to all our wonderful family for withstanding our incessant blabber about the upcoming adventure and helping us to actually get this far. We love you all and hope we make you proud, and a little embarrassed.....Ardios, Mi familia!

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