Sunday, 14 December 2014

Day 9 - Geographically Challenged

Day 9 - Morale is Low

After a really great weekend and ride yesterday, we woke up feeling pretty good. We had a new friend, Doug the Duck, who waddled around our camp chatting away in ducky lingo, and a midnight visit from a wallaby. It was a nice  camp.

We headed off with a positive attitude, knowing we had some 6km of challenging hills to tackle, but then it would be easy through to Boyanup. 

After about 6.5km we were starting to become concerned as there was no sign of the hut, and the hills were ridiculous both ways. Another two kays on and we knew we had made a terrible error. We had come out 1km from Honeymoon Pool and we were still 4kms from Nglang Boodja hut.
We had just done 8.5km we didn't have to do and they were so hard. When we did get to the hut, we decided we couldn't do another 20km today so we're staying put. Too exhausted to do anymore today. So a whole 12kms today...ugh!

So we've refilled our water bottles with good water, put the tent up in the hut, (as the mozzies are horrendous), and are going to rest good and proper for tomorrow. We'll try for Donnybrook, which will be over 50km. Mostly easy, apparently.

Bummer of a day, gotta have one.

NB: While recovering and relaxing around the hut we read through some of the hut journals. Other riders write about their trip so far. It is always interesting, but today a little more so, as we discovered a few other people happened to be a bit "geographically challenged ", the same as us and did the same thing. I felt for them, and quietly thanked them.

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