Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Day 17 & 18 - Donnybrook Again

Tuesday gave us a lay in and then a nice walk into town for some groceries and a catchup with Julie at the community garden. 

We borrowed Julie's car and had a little drive around Bridgetown before heading home to relax overlooking the Blackwood river. 

It was really nice listening to the birds and watching the giant black skinks rustling below us. 

Wednesday we had to head towards home. 

On advice from Julie and Jon we left town on the old rail track. It's a really nice track and mostly flat, and only 28km to Balingup. 

Must remember not to listen too closely to walkers or drivers,  when riding the bike. 

The track was NOT mostly flat, and who knows if it was pretty, as we were too busy with our heads down pushing through the soft boggy track that had recently been graded to shit.

We decided that,  no matter how big or how bad the hills along Southwest Hwy were,  we were taking them over this track. It had taken us just under 3hrs to ride 25km. We did see a massive Kangaroo bounding away in front of us, but he would wait or give us a lift. 

Again, on recommendation by Jon & Julie , we stopped at The Packing Shed for a famous sausage roll. Nope! The last 3 were sold to some old codgers who could have done without it.  Ugh! So we had a pie. ....and coke. 

After a nice 45min rest we thought we were ready for the last 31km. Nope! Oh my god,  the day of rest was not enough. ...them massive hills,  just pushing up them, grinding away in 2nd or 3rd gear for a few kms.

Stopped in Kirup for a powerade and to try and psych myself up for one last burst. 

Thank the holy lord the last 10kms were mostly good downhills or I would not be laying here exhausted on this lovely bed. 

Traffic was busy between Balingup and Donnybrook with so many logging trucks. Really noisy. Three ambulances went past and not one stopped to offer me oxygen or pain relief. Fucking Bastards.

I think this may be the end of our journey. We are knackered. 

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