Saturday, 6 December 2014

Dam - It's Good To See You

Day 4 - Logue Brook Dam

Will filtering the tank water for tomorrow. 

Bit of restless sleep with sore tired body and woke up feeling body tired. My legs were already feeling fatigued and we were in for a day of mostly "medium" track conditions.

Alan and Julie - So great to meet you both. 

We headed off with Alan and Julie as they were heading the same way as us. They are both a lot fitter than us as they cycle to work everyday but they were also a bit tired from their three days on the track.

I am looking and feeling buggered. 

We spent the whole day riding up hill, when we finally got downhill section, we had to go slow as there was soft sand, or deep pea gravel, or rocky riverbed type surfaces. Ripped off. 

It was a really tough day and we made many stops to catch our breath and re-fuel or just let the burning ease in our legs.

Our fitter comrades went ahead of us after about 10kms, after helping us push our bikes up some steep slippery hills, and also took the optional detour for sight seeing. We didn't see them again, until after we arrived completely exhausted at the dam.

About 9kms of track was closed so we had to ride along Scarp road. It was a life saver as the closed section was the only "Challenging" section marked on today's ride. The whole bloody thing seemed challenging to me!

I was so so relieved to see the bitumen and the entry to the
Lake Brockman Caravan park. Shattered is all I can say. Totally. 

We bought a nice cold drink, not water, and after the other couple arrived an ice cream. Much deserved.
It was really nice meeting Alan and Julie and discussing what food and gear we all had and what we thought was good. 

Hope we run into some more mad Munda biddians.

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