Friday, 16 October 2015

The East of The Eyre

16/10/15 Port Lincoln to Tumby Bay 58km

As you may have guessed, we had a slow start this morning, after our last night with Rob. But we're not complaining, it was a great night. So we packed everything again, and trudged it all downstairs before having breakfast. Then it was load the bikes, and head straight to the bakery to get some buns for lunch on the road. From here, we just followed the road we were on out of town, passing the old Flinders Theatre, where we had gone to the movies on Wednesday night. We watched The Martian, with Matt Damon. It was really good, even with the little birds living in the ceiling, chirping all the way through. The theatre was built in 1929.

Here we go Betty, back to Fat Betty again. Not quite as bad, less need to carry food and water.

Nonuts met Becky, well found her in the gutter on the side of the road, and couldn't leave her behind.

The old theatre, it was a real treat, and only $10 each.

It was a nice ride out, with a bike lane, which turned to a pretty good shoulder, for about 20kms. We rode through Boston (and past the Boston Bay winery, which was unfortunately not open for another hour) and Taitukai, then noticed the old Lincoln highway, and found a way onto it, and enjoyed a peaceful and pretty ride to North Shields, and past the Port Lincoln airport. How is that possible? Three settlements and 15kms, and a completely different council, but it's the Port Lincoln airport? Anyway, it was just out of North Shields, that I was in need of a toilet, and we happened upon a very well kept, neat, tidy, pretty, cemetery, with toilets. Wow, thank you, thank you, who ever you are that takes such good care of this little sacred place. 

Checking out the views back towards Port Lincoln, Will is taking pics, we are just waiting.

There he is, and the view.

Cool, look what we found, another Black Betty. Looks just as feisty.

The old highway. Very nice. Great views.

Much nicer than the new one, wonder why they moved it?

Oh, well this could be one reason...

End of the old road, where to now? What's that Will, I can't hear you over the buzzing.

Oh, thank you so much for having toilets. And they are clean, and they are flushing.

A very pretty and orderly cemetery. They really care for it. I was very grateful.

The road then lost it's shoulder, and the traffic was busier, with more trucks. There were hills, but very gentle with lovely views across to the ocean, the fields and more hills on the other side. We had a bit of a tail wind, and after about 30kms, we turned onto White River road, which was a bit longer, dirt, but much quieter than the highway. It was a very nice ride, through the farms, towards the coast. We stopped for some lunch beside the side of the road, then carried on, turning left about 4 kays on. Along this road, we saw large flocks of grey birds taking off in the fields. They were Cape Baron geese and there were heaps of them. Good eating apparently. The flies were starting to catch us, so we put our heads down and pedalled harder to out run the little pests. We passed some sheep, or Rams actually, and asked them to take the flies back. They just ignored us.

Fields of grain with the rolling hills behind. Not far from harvest time now.

Nicely graded recently, getting ready for the harvest trucks. Good timing hey?

Our lunch stop just up on the right. It was a good spot, out of the breeze, and only a few flies.

The Cape Baron Geese. They are pretty big, and there were heaps of them.

Over a couple more little hills, and we were on the final run to town. It was a really nice ride today, especially the dirt road with no traffic. The weather was cool, but nice for riding, and it is good to be on the move again.

The last hill, where the flies were catching us, we took off over the other side.

The lazy Rams ignoring us. Come on guys!

They just love their jetties on the Eyre Peninsula. Here's another one.

One of the two pubs in Tumby Bay.

Lovely old police station building. Lots of great restored homes too.

Sitting chatting to my mum on the phone, in the caravan park, and this came past. Cool.

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