Thursday, 3 September 2015

Part A, Training for Part B, Complete!

03/09/15 Kondinin to Hyden 62kms

Electricity Vampires at it again. Nice warm camp kitchen.

To start the day, this happened. We were snuggled up tight in our joined sleeping bags, trying to stay warm, and not doing too badly. Having a pretty good sleep, on the nice soft, green grass of the camping area. Then, chsshhh! Hmm, I think in my sleepy haze, not rain again? Chhhssshhh! Nothing, Chhhssshhh! Nothing! "Oh fuck, Will, the sprinklers have come on!" Now we are both wide awake in a second, and Will has burst into action, scrambling out of the tent in his jocks, racing around trying to find rocks to block the sprinklers, while I just lay there keeping warm. He managed to save us, and got back into bed so I could warm him up again. Almost back to sleep, the beginnings of another weird dream, when the sprinkler situation, suddenly became even more dire. They changed stations, and one of the little buggers was right under the back corner of the tent, near my feet. Ugh, this time, Will got out and covered the sprinkler with his hands, while I removed all the pegs, and tried to move the tent over a meter out of the way. Another rock on that bastard, then we could try again to get back to sleep. This all happened around 4am, in about 2C! Needless to say, there was some vicious cursing of the guys in the Shire office, who forgot to tell people to turn off the sprinklers.

Morning yoga, also known as rolling all the shit up!

Just about ready to move the tent to the sun for drying.

Ok, so we had a very slow start to the day, as we were tired and took a while to crawl out of the tent. Then we had to dry the tent, and find some motivation to push our bikes uphill 62kms against a head wind. After getting all that sorted, we dropped the toilet key off to the Shire, and said thank you for the great facilities, and mentioned they might like to improve it a little by turning off the sprinklers. They were super, super sorry! 

Check out that sunshine, it is very pleasant riding today for team Yellow.

Really and truly, it wasn't a bad day. The sun was out, and warming, the wind was a north easterly, that was against us, but not too severe, and although it was uphill, they weren't steep or super long, and we had a couple of nice rolling downhills. Traffic was busier, but all good, and we got waves, toots and lots of big smiles.

Having a quiet relaxing rest, a couple of cheese and chorizo buns and coffee.

Karlgarin was a kilometre out of our way, bugger it, we're only 20kms away now.

See, we are welcome in Hyden. Damn right!

The last downhill to town Willsie, woo lets go!

My shocking effort at a "shoot from the hip" technique. Sorry Will, I need more practice.

We rode over a couple of huge flood ways, and I was wondering about the awesome sight it would make in full flood. The farming was mostly sheep and wheat, which changed to cattle closer to Hyden. All in all, it was a bit of a machine like ride, with a couple of stops for food, and bum rests. It was very satisfying to arrive in Hyden, and check in to the Wave Rock Hotel/Motel. The only accommodation in town. All the rest is out of town at Wave Rock, 5kms away. We are happy here, it is huge, clean and a great variety of options for dinner. We're looking forward to sleeping in and resting our tired and sore bodies, before we embark on Part B, Hyden to Norseman! 

Great use for old dunnies left from the refurbishment.

Finally the kids get unloaded and can have a rest too.

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