Monday, 15 August 2016

More Surgery for Jenny & house situation update.

Blog Update Tuesday 9/08/16.
By Will

Kombi trip was fantastic folks, we did 2750kms over 11 days & used about 11 litres of petrol per 100kms. Also got through 500ml of engine oil per 1000kms and spent less then $100AUD per day... A very successful shake down mission for old DIXYBUS ! Oh the "engine stutter" problem we encountered on the Freeway, ended up being a combination of split fuel line & dirty fuel filter. 

New Spare Wheel Cover for DIXYBUS.

Tonight is Census night for Australia, every 5 years it's compulsory to fill out the "head count" form or cop massive fine, like $180AUD per day. 
Personally I don't have an issue with complying, it does help our country plan for a (better) future, or so I hope...

I've now been through 9 of these Census counts, and while some questions are fair and reasonable, like how many bedrooms in your house, what do you earn, are you married. I still can't fathom WHY the question of "What is Your Religion" & why it is in there ?

Most average real Aussies put "No Religion ", "Jedi Knight", Beer Economy" or some other non conformist idea that probably dates back to the convict times. 

What do our Aboriginal citizens put, "Dreamtime" ? That isn't even an option, though certainly sounds better then Catholic, Protestant or Islam .  At least Dreamtime means you have a connection with the land.

Anyway I just found out that the whole Census Computer System has crashed, so it will be interesting to see what happens next.

The Investment House we own & are presently living in needs some TLC before we sell it:

High Temp damage to bench at Rental House. Where we are currently staying.

Kitchen was only 2 years old & handed over to us damaged.

It cost $900 to repair. Insurance not an option.

At least it will look good now when we sell.

The dream/experiment sold to us by Government, Banks, Realestate, Mass Media & Big Business of being a property investor to make lots of money turned into a farce, I suggest you avoid it and find a better way to invest your hard earned savings. Lots of headaches & costs for a poor return. 
Buying your primary residence makes some sense but "investment properties"  not worth the effort, that's one reason why Jenny & I are getting out.

So tonight I'm just sitting here thinking about it all & my lot in life while my best friend is in Hospital recovering from some major surgery.

Surprisingly to us we get quite a few "hits" on our wiljen adventures blog, much more then we have in Face Book friends between us. So there are a lot of people out there who are quietly coming along for the ride and enjoying it I hope. Thanks for following friends...

Jenny will be ok & recover enough to be ready for India in 2 months. We had considered taking our bicycles but I fear the exertion may be too much for Jen at this early stage of recovery. So the motor bike option still makes good sense.

***Jenny trying to appear brave, while getting into the "Hospital Patient Uniform" for surgery.***

I went to visit a day after the surgery & Jen seemed pretty happy. Lots of visitors & phone calls. She comes home on Thursday to continue with the recuperating.

Just before I sign off I will give you a brief Mandurah Reno house update. This project has become huge for us and is sucking away at our precious finances. Yes we have doubt, but Jenny & I have never done things in half measures, it's all or nothing for us.

Mandurah Reno house, retaining for fence. (Thanks Rohan)

Walls for additions are up, once the weather improves the roof will go on.

Living area addition...outdoor/indoor area.

Once completed this place will be our home base. A mini refuge for us, our family and friends. Both of us hope our plan works out. 
Having a fixed address is a huge plus when you are travelling this big world of ours. You have a lot less hassles with obtaining extended visas, vehicle registration is simpler, also a nice place to rest when you are travel weary is a bonus.

This year is turning out to be a time of repairs, reconciliation, reconnection, downsizing & planning. We plan for next year to be a huge travelling one !

*** I need to be careful what I write about Jenny's surgery & health situation, it's early days and all indications are that everything has proceeded as planned. Of course I worry about the worst outcome, but so far it's going ok. I really hope I don't have to go into details, for the curious, it's "Woman's Business" let's leave it at that***

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