We had a pretty quiet night at Sue and Brads' on Friday, because we knew we all had a big one Saturday. Scorch and Becks are friends of Sue and Brad, and own a heritage home called Manor House. It is next door to the The Old Manor pub, obviously, on Manor Road, well of course. They have planned and organised a family festival/fun day, on the grounds, to raise money for Alzheimers. Something that is close to them, and almost everyone really. So as they have an amazing bunch of supportive friends, of which they made us feel a part of, we were all doing and making something.
Sue had volunteered us for Coleslaw duty, so we had to take a trip to the store. She had also said she would do mystery shots, so we purchased a few bottles of "mystery" liquor. We head home to make enough coleslaw for 250 people. Holy crap, I hope she has a food processor! Well she did, so we set about chopping enough cabbage to increase the UK gas emissions over their limits. Some improvisation was required when we realised the lack of sizeable bowls, but we got it all together just outside of schedule.
Coleslaw making team, thank god I've peeled a few carrots in my day.
We wheelbarrowed the many bottles of mystery alcohol over, had some scouts come and help carry the coleslaw, we arrived at The Manor to an amazing scene of families on rugs, picnicking, a bouncy castle, a band in preparation, the scouts on BBQ duty, and some mobile public toilets. I've not seen anything like it in someone's backyard. Totally cool. So everything was free, all they asked is if you enjoyed the food, or the entertainment, or got your face painted, or required a drink, then maybe you could make a small donation in the buckets provided. Who wouldn't? It was great fun.
Beautiful sunny English day, lots of people enjoying the music and relaxed setting.
The band was an amazing mix of guys and girls, with a horn section, and a great music selection. They got everyone into a happy mood, and we all danced and mixed and enjoyed. During their break, Sue was on kids games, and as usual, roped me in to assist. We had 5 dozen eggs, some boiled, but most not, and the first event was the old egg and spoon races. These went off as usual, with no dramas, but then came the "Pick an Egg and Throw to Your Partner" game. You know, where you keep moving apart until one of you drops it? Well, there was one boy who had no partner, he was a bit of a hand full, so Sue volunteered me up to be with him. Oh no, I am useless these days, with small objects. Cross eyed, old lady sight, unco ... This is not going to be good. I warned him!
We start, and I catch the first couple. He catches the first couple. We are getting further apart, and it's my turn to throw. I concentrate, bend my knees, and gently, using the under arm technique, lob our egg. It is looking perfect, easy, and I'm watching carefully, feeling very happy with my lob, until, "Crack!". Oh shit! He didn't catch it, and the throw was so perfect, it hit him square between the eyes, and splattered all over his face. Oh my god, I'm not allowed to laugh, I did that! I can't run, I can't laugh, I just have to try and make light of it.....nope, I'm laughing, it was hell funny! Sorry, but it was!
Needless to say, the games turned to teen egg fights and lolly pops distributed, adults evacuated. Back to Pimms and dancing. Afternoon was turning to evening, the band finished, and the shots began. I called it a night, and left Will to fend off the enquiries. I was knackered, and I'd had enough. It was an awesome event, and I hope they raised a good sum for Alzheimers. I don't know what time the others made it home, but when I woke in the middle of the night, they were home, and music was still coming from Scorch and Beck's.
Barmaid Suey lining them up. They sold over £700 worth of shots. Woo hoo!
I'm sure you have all seen this game on Facebook, so funny!
Needless to say, Sunday was a very chilled day, followed by Monday. Actually, the rest of our stay was very chilled, with only packing and sorting and a couple of relaxing walks. Sue had a few days off with us, which was nice, and I think she enjoyed the relaxing around the house bit. We all helped do some more unpacking for them, and I got to build a small cupboard for the doggies room, while Will packed up our bikes.
Oh, be careful Will, Black Betty is special to me, and Yellow Dawg just waiting his turn.
Using the S & S couplings made it easier this time, Will said.
Walking the doggies and letting them have a swim. It was overcast but warm.
Wednesday night Brad, Sue, Rod and Collette took us out to their favourite French restaurant in Hampton, and we all enjoyed a beautiful dinner, some extremely nice wine, and a pretty early night.
Thursday was another crazy day at Oud Manor, with builders, gardeners, garden builders, security CCTV man and the house cleaners. All up about 20 extra people, two golden retrievers and two nervous adventurers. At about 10:30am, we couldn't handle it anymore and evacuated to town for a quiet coffee to await our 1pm taxi. Sue and Brad went to work, which makes the good-byes a bit easier. I hate them, and they make me sad.
So our taxi came, and we got to Heathrow in good time, checked in and made our way through security. I won't bore you with the rest, only to say that we left the UK at 4pm Thursday and arrived in Perth at 6pm Friday, looking and smelling like a couple of zombies. It is a bloody long flight, stopping in Doha this time, but all went smoothly, and it was bloody awesome to see two of our three grown up kids there to pick us up. Another hours drive, and we are home and the adventure is actually over. Wow! Just like that.
It has been really amazing, with so many people helping to make it great. To think about what we have achieved is difficult to comprehend, it feels like it happened to someone else, although we feel different. We don't want to stop now, so we are going to get our home and "stuff" sorted out properly, and keep going, so stay tuned, as the next big adventure is just around the corner. Thanks for sharing this one, it has been great having you all along to help make it awesome. Don't forget to check out Wills' www.crazyguyonabike.com/wiljen , he has updated that one too. Cheers.
"To infinity and beyond!" .... I love kids movies...ha ha ha
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